Tuesday 24 March 2020



A lockdown has been announced across the state since midnight today. Then the lockdown has been announced till March 31 next. Article 144 has been imposed throughout Gujarat. People can only be left out for the necessities of life. If anyone goes out of the house without a reason, the police will stop them. No longer can a private vehicle be transported without the need and emergency.

Essential service will continue

The lockdown has been announced since midnight today. All shops, offices, workshops will be closed. Apart from this, it has been announced that municipal, municipal corporation, medical, vegetable, hygiene services will continue.
In Gujarat too, the corona virus has become overwhelmed when Gujarat Police Chief Shivanand Jha held a press conference today announcing lock down all over Gujarat. It has been decided to lock down tonight from 12pm to 31st March. Article 144 has been implemented throughout Gujarat. In addition, the important thing is that living things will not be available. Out-of-state borders have been sealed. If a person walks out of the house without a reason, the police will stop him.

The lockdown is about to begin. All shops, godowns, workshops, offices will be closed.

As of March 31, Article 144 of the State is applicable
People will be able to get out for life-necessities only
Only 2 people can sit in the towwheeler and forewheeler
Medical store, petrol pump, newspaper will continue ...
If someone violates the notification, the offense will be registered as per section 188

What will continue?
Government dispensary, Municipal corporation, Panchayat service
Milk-Vegetable, Fruit-Groceries, Grocery Stores
Pest control, foodstuffs, foodstuffs, transportation, water supply
Laboratory, medical equipment manufacturing company, pharmacy and hygiene services
Animal feed, veterinary medicine and treatment center
Electricity generation, distribution and maintenance service, drainage
Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG pump and its related transportation service
Insurance company, bank, ATM, ATM service, post and courier, private security service
Transportation and storage of all essential goodS
Godown of urgent service, including urgent service
It will be closed: All shops, offices, workshops, taxis, cabs, rickshaws, luxury buses, public transport services, tea kits, panels, shopping malls, cinema halls, etc ...

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